Native American Art

Souix Policeman Pine Ridge

This wonderful painting recently sold to an art collector in Seattle. Michael has recently finished painting a Nez Perces on horse back. Look for these release of this piece in the coming weeks. In March we will be having a show with Ivan a Klamath Modoc Indian. He will be showing Modoc Indian works that were made the way the Modocs have made them for thousands of years. I will send out the announcement once the date has been confirmed.

Absaroka Brave

The Crow, also called the Absaroka or Apsáalooke, are a tribe of Native Americans who historically lived in the Yellowstone River valley. The name of the tribe, Apsáalooke, had been mistranslated by early interpreters as “people of [the] crows.” It actually meant “people [or children] of the large-beaked bird,” a name given to them by […]